JRHS – Volume 14, Pages 1-25 (27 December 2016)
報 告
余命宣告を受けた老年期のクライアントの主観的QOLと作業療法士の関わり方(pp. 1 – 8)
今西美由紀,石浦 佑一,友久 久雄,日垣 一男
Relationship between Subjective QOL of an Older Client with Limited Life Expectancy
and the Occupational Therapist’s Way of Interaction
and the Occupational Therapist’s Way of Interaction
Original Article
Deep heating using microwave diathermy decreases muscle hardness:A randomized, placebo-controlled trial
Koji Nonaka, Masataka Kataoka, Shinya Ogaya, Kenichi Ito and Junichi Akiyama(pp. 9 – 13)
総 説
統合失調症患者における語用論的言語(比喩・皮肉)の理解能力について(pp. 15 – 25)
福原 啓太,田中 寛之,小川 泰弘,永田 優馬,田中 宏明,大西 久男,西川 隆
Pragmatic language comprehension in patients with schizophrenia,focusing on metaphor and irony